Welcome to TMAC
Established in 1963 TMAC is a BMFA affiliated club who fly from a superb site which offers great facilities and all year round flying. A large grass strip with a central runway offer great views of the Wrekin and shropshire countryside. We pride ourselves in providing a Safe, Friendly, , Fun, and Dynamic club that is made up of novice pilots and experienced pilots alike, who enjoy each others company can enjoy and fly, all sorts of model aircraft! We have a large carpark which also houses our huge clubhouse, in which we have a lounge , kitchen, workshop, and toilet facilities, ideal for those on site repairs.
A safe Barriered secure pits is provided with a Sun shelter, Model tables, Chairs and a Pilot box to fly from.
We Hold several club events such as fun flys and BBQ's each year , which add to the friendly , fun atmosphere we like to promote.
We also offer a world class training scheme where you can work towards gaining your wings, ( club solo flight test) then move on to you "A" & "B" tests and beyond !

Latest News
2025 Membership is now open ! Please complete and email the 2025 Membership Form.
We also offer training which is normally given on Monday, Wednesday & Friday mornings, and is free using your own aircraft. (other times can be arranged with the instructor) . We also have a simulator which can be utilised.
Club and BMFA membership is still required along with CAA registration.
Training has to be pre-arranged (we do not leave equipment at site) and we limit to three trainees at any one time.